So I guess I will have to tell you something, because it affects my classes for now.
I was in pain since Tuesday. I have waited, thought everything will be fine after few days, but it was worse and worse. So yesterday my boyfriend rang like dozen clinics, even managed to book an appointment in the evening - the next date was 10th Oct :O (apologies for not being there in my evening class yesterday :( )
So he took me to London. I was nervous, panicking.. Saw the doctor and she said I have 2 options - both were mini operations - one in hospital and I would sleep during the thing, the second was that she could make it right there there under local anesthesia. I just wanted it to be over and she was so nice, she even said she can do it after her last patient, so it was decided - I went for the second option. I thought she will do it and I will be fine and happy - I didn't realise this will be the most painful thing I've ever been through and the way home was a never ending pain, too. Lucky me I had my private driver :)
So I survived the night :P I can barely walk at the moment and I can't drive for few days - I am trying to find covers for my classes - a big thanks goes to Brendan who could cover my class yesterday and an even bigger thank you for Jane to teach both Pilates and Yoga this morning.
I think the classes in Dunstable in the evening will have to be cancelled unless someone could help me out teaching them, I will ask Lucy to teach my tomorrows Hitchin classes...
I apologize for all these classes, but I guess I really have to rest for few days.
I am so lucky to have such a great boyfriend who helped me through everything, my friends were really big support for me, even when they were out partying :P Thank you all instructors for stepping in and covering for me, even if its weekend! Thanks for all your support and I will be back soon!! :) :)
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