ANDREA - a full time Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi instructor.

I fell in love with yoga over seven years ago, when I got a Nintendo DS and bought a game called Let's Yoga. From then, I began 'playing' yoga everyday, sometimes twice a day. At first, the practice was more physical for me, but after few months I started to really count on yoga to bring me a sense of calm during especially chaotic days. Soon after, I began recognizing the benefits of a regular asana and meditation practice and continued to incorporate yoga daily - not just during times of chaos. I found myself feeling more energized, more compassionate, happier, and with more awareness. Now, I teach full-time and couldn't be happier to do what I love. What began as a physical practice for strength and flexibility quickly became a lifestyle. I teach my students to take their yoga off the mat and apply the principles learned in the class to their lives outside of the studio. I do not only teach my philosophy, I live it.

Monday, 21 September 2015

September Challenge # Day 21 Hip Openers

And it is our last day of Hip Openers - I am sure you will enjoy this nice pose:
Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) 
Dont forget to post your pictures on out FB group - I will announce the next winner tomorrow :)

How do you get into it:
From Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), step your right foot between your hands and bring your 
left knee to the floor. Reach your arms overhead, and keep your hips parallel to the front end of your mat. Isometrically 
draw your left thigh forward and hug both thighs in toward your pelvis. Lift the pit of your belly toward your heart and your heart toward the sky. Let your shoulders slide down your back and keep the front of your throat relaxed as you lengthen your spine. Stay for 5 breaths. Return to Down Dog, and then do Low Lunge with your left foot forward.

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