Upward Bow Pose Headstand Pose / Urdhva Danurasana Sirsasana
(oord-VAH don-your-ahs-anna shear-SHAHS-anna)dhanu=bow
sirsa = head

1. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and your arms by your sides. Make sure your hands are a palms width away from your hips and that your fingers are spread wide grabbing the ground.
2. Slowly curve back your neck and lift your chest until the top of your head or forehead is touching the ground. If you are learning this pose, it is a good idea to stack two yoga blocks underneath your upper back to help support your head and neck. The points of contact now are your head, forearms, hands, buttocks and feet.
3. One at a time, rotate your arms around the front and place your elbows on the ground and clasping your hands behind your head.
4. Start to raise your buttocks off the ground. When you feel ready, straighten your legs and reach for the ground with your toes pushing your hips into the air and your chest to the front.
- Stretches the front of your body from head to toe
- Strengthens your back and legs
- Stimulates organs in your abdomen and neck
- Do not perform if you have a back or neck injury
(oord-VAH don-your-ahs-anna shear-SHAHS-anna)
urdhva=upward, inverted
sirsa = head
1. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent and your arms by your sides. Make sure your hands are a palms width away from your hips and that your fingers are spread wide grabbing the ground.
2. Slowly curve back your neck and lift your chest until the top of your head or forehead is touching the ground. If you are learning this pose, it is a good idea to stack two yoga blocks underneath your upper back to help support your head and neck. The points of contact now are your head, forearms, hands, buttocks and feet.
3. One at a time, rotate your arms around the front and place your elbows on the ground and clasping your hands behind your head.
4. Start to raise your buttocks off the ground. When you feel ready, straighten your legs and reach for the ground with your toes pushing your hips into the air and your chest to the front.
- Stretches the front of your body from head to toe
- Strengthens your back and legs
- Stimulates organs in your abdomen and neck
- Do not perform if you have a back or neck injury
- See more at: http://www.mryoga.com/backbends/#sthash.g0MXamDo.dpuf
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