ANDREA - a full time Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi instructor.

I fell in love with yoga over seven years ago, when I got a Nintendo DS and bought a game called Let's Yoga. From then, I began 'playing' yoga everyday, sometimes twice a day. At first, the practice was more physical for me, but after few months I started to really count on yoga to bring me a sense of calm during especially chaotic days. Soon after, I began recognizing the benefits of a regular asana and meditation practice and continued to incorporate yoga daily - not just during times of chaos. I found myself feeling more energized, more compassionate, happier, and with more awareness. Now, I teach full-time and couldn't be happier to do what I love. What began as a physical practice for strength and flexibility quickly became a lifestyle. I teach my students to take their yoga off the mat and apply the principles learned in the class to their lives outside of the studio. I do not only teach my philosophy, I live it.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose / Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

(oo-TEE-tah Has-tah POD-ung-goos-TAWS-uh-ah)
utthita= extended
padangustha =big toe, foot

1. From Tadasana Mountain pose, bend your right leg and grab on to the big toe of your right root with the index and middle fingers of your right hand. Place you left hand on your left foot.

2. Exhale and extend your leg out in front of you keeping the leg straight and foot flexed with toes pointing upwards to the sky. Your hips remain square to the front and your gaze is forward.

3. Extend your right leg out to the side and either keep your left hand on your hip or extend your left arm out beside you so that both arms form a straight line parallel to the floor.

4. Maintain the pose for a few deep breaths and practice the same steps as above switching to the left leg.

-Strengthens legs
-Stretches the entire back leg and improves flexibility
-Improves balance and stability

-Ankle injury
-Hamstring strain

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