ANDREA - a full time Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi instructor.

I fell in love with yoga over seven years ago, when I got a Nintendo DS and bought a game called Let's Yoga. From then, I began 'playing' yoga everyday, sometimes twice a day. At first, the practice was more physical for me, but after few months I started to really count on yoga to bring me a sense of calm during especially chaotic days. Soon after, I began recognizing the benefits of a regular asana and meditation practice and continued to incorporate yoga daily - not just during times of chaos. I found myself feeling more energized, more compassionate, happier, and with more awareness. Now, I teach full-time and couldn't be happier to do what I love. What began as a physical practice for strength and flexibility quickly became a lifestyle. I teach my students to take their yoga off the mat and apply the principles learned in the class to their lives outside of the studio. I do not only teach my philosophy, I live it.

Friday, 14 December 2012

ZŠ Breznička 1.

Dnes som dofrčala na jogu na Základnú školu unás na Brezničke. Detičky boli také zlaté a milé a hlavne šikovné, až sa nám nechcelo prestať cvičiť a potom ani odísť. Bola som príjemne prekvapená aké zdatné a múdre deti máme, veľmi sa tešili, keď zvládali ťažké pózy a chceli cvičiť viac a viac :) 

Prešli sme si Pozdravy Slnka odnajľahšej verzie, až po ťažkú, a nakoniec som si musela vymyslieť ešte ťažšie Pozdravy. Po tomto riadne ťažkomúvode sme si precvičili a ukázali pózy, ktoré sa na niečo podobajú (Polmesiac, Stolička, Trojuholník, a pod.) a na zvieracie pózy (Mačka, Pes, Krava, Kobra, atď.). Detičky sa tešili z každého pohybu a už sa na ne veľmi teším na budúci týždeň! :)

(Čoskoro dodám viac fotiek)

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