The Root chakra is where the movement of prana through our bodies begins here and along with the second the third chakras it is more physical in nature. As the foundation of our chakra system, it is associated with basic, fundamental needs: food, rest, sex, safety.

Our chakra system is clean and healthy when prana can move freely throughout the body, but as life happens our chakras can become blocked. Blockage in the Root muladhara chakra suggests our basic needs are not being met, and personal attention and care toward them must be given. Symptoms of Root chakra malady include anxiety related to disorganization, insecurity, confusion, greed and feeling ungrounded. Oftentimes, this is the result of travel, moving, unfulfillment and (of course) stress.
.To remedy the major muladhara malfunction, we need to step back and reconnect with our physical body – the sensation of physically being – and allow ourselves to tangibly reconnect with the earth. We draw prana from the cycling energy that filters from the heavens through earth itself; being in touch with that energetic source is an easy and effective first step to relieving those symptoms. A healthy Root chakra will permit feelings of nourishment, confidence, trust and connection.
.A yin practice to engage the Root chakra should be focused on generating support and foundation. Holds will target the feet, legs and pelvis. Throughout the practice, envision a warm red light surrounding the chakra center (pelvis) and attempt to draw energy up through the ground while releasing unneeded and unwanted elements back into the earth.
Try these Root Chakra Yin Poses
Lie on your back with your knees bent – absorb energy from the earth to begin the practice.
Mountain pose – establish a solid base, grounding yourself deep through the feet.
Dangling pose – bend at the waist while standing, crossing your arms and allowing the entire upper body to dangle; feel supported by the major muscles of your lower body.
Squat – more dependence on the feet, legs and hips, but the entire body is closer to the earth; picture a red light emanating from the tailbone.
Marauding bear – release the tension of the practice so far, move organically on all fours.
Toe squat – intensity! While sitting on your knees, curl toes under and gently recline back to your tolerance; stretch and extend those tiny toe ligaments.
Shoelace pose – with legs crossed and knees stacked atop one another, fold forward into the earth; draw nourishment once more from the earth.
Dragonfly (straddle) – bend forward to tolerance and repeat, “I am safe and supported. I have everything I need. I trust in life.”
Supported bridge – lie on your back with a bolster under the hips/sacrum; allow the chakra center itself to feel supported.
Reclining twist – feel the complexity and potential of your body by stretching through a twist; you are a physical being!
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