Making just a few changes in your lifestyle can help you live longer. A recent study found that four bad behaviors—smoking, drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, and not eating enough fruits and veggies—can hustle you into an early grave, and, in effect, age you by as many as 12 years.
Fortunately, you can do something to correct these and other unhealthy behaviours. Adopt the good habits to keep your body looking and feeling young! This is something all of us can do, there´s no chance you can do something wrong if you correct your bad habits and start with good ones.
People ask me often how can I look so good (almost) all the time :P, what do I do to keep going constantly (yeah, I don´t even have one day off), how can I do everything I do (and even more)... Well, I guess it´s time to share my little secret with you.
All the things I wrote at the beginning are all true, they work, but you need something more if you are as crazy as me and have such a busy lifestyle. Another little secret how to live healthy is something I do. I have to be ready to go to my classes 24/7, so I cannot be sick, tired or lazy :P One thing that keeps me going day by day is Aloe Juice. I just dring a shot every morning, and I am alive, full of energy and ready to do anything! Another thing that keeps my body and muscles ready for hard work in our classes is Heat Lotion - simple as that. I use much more Aloe products, but these two are my life savers! Without them it would not be possible to give 100 percent in every class I teach.
If you want to check these two products out, go to my Forever Living online shop and find Alloe Berry Nectar (one shot every morning) and Aloe Heat Lotion (if you exercise too much :P )
I hope you will benefit from my little secret, too, and if you have any questions regarding any of the other products, feel free to ask me :)
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