ANDREA - a full time Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi instructor.
I fell in love with yoga over seven years ago, when I got a Nintendo DS and bought a game called Let's Yoga. From then, I began 'playing' yoga everyday, sometimes twice a day. At first, the practice was more physical for me, but after few months I started to really count on yoga to bring me a sense of calm during especially chaotic days. Soon after, I began recognizing the benefits of a regular asana and meditation practice and continued to incorporate yoga daily - not just during times of chaos. I found myself feeling more energized, more compassionate, happier, and with more awareness. Now, I teach full-time and couldn't be happier to do what I love. What began as a physical practice for strength and flexibility quickly became a lifestyle. I teach my students to take their yoga off the mat and apply the principles learned in the class to their lives outside of the studio. I do not only teach my philosophy, I live it.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Thursday, 26 December 2013
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Merry Christmas!
YS I.36 viśokā vā jyotiṣmatī
"We can be free of suffering by paying attention to the light within."
Viśokā (#10) literally means "no despondency." When grief is sustained it becomes despondency. Everyone has bad experiences in their lives, but when we identify with those past experiences we negate our reception of light. According to yoga philosophy there is always an inward resource.
Jyoti (#11) is our inner light, and jyotiṣmatī (#12!) means "to focus on the light within." Despondency may transform when we pay attention to the light inside.
In times where we feel darkness or depressed, we don't need to search outside, the yoga teachings suggest, we can be inspired by the source of light inside. The next time you are in a state that feels disconnected, try your yoga practice. Did that feeling turn out to be reality, or does it change when your body-breath-mind state changes?
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
16-22 Dec Timetable:
9:30 private class
1pm Pilates HRLC
8pm Power Yoga Dunstable LC
9.30 Body Conditioning Class HRLC
10.45 Fitness Yoga HRLC
8pm Pilates HRLC
10:50 Fitness Yoga Dunstable LC
7pm private class
8pm private class
10:50 Hatha Yoga DLC
12:00 Anti Natal Yoga DLC
1.30 private class
8.30pm Fitness Yoga Houghton Regis LC
9.30 Yoga David Lloyd Luton*
11am Pilates HRLC
*9am private class
*you have to be a member to attend these classes, otherwise book in advance to get a place, especially in HRLC the spaces are limited and usually fully booked
Monday, 16 December 2013
Winter Wonderland :)
And here is a picture.. ;)
Friday, 13 December 2013
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Timetable Update 9.Dec-15.Dec 2013
1pm Pilates HRLC
8pm Power Yoga Dunstable LC
10am private class
11:30 Active Life HRLC
8pm Pilates HRLC
9:30 Fitness Yoga Houghton Regis LC
10:50 Fitness Yoga Dunstable LC
10:50 Hatha Yoga Dunstable LC
12:00 Dunstable LC
1.30 private class
7pm Yoga David Lloyd Luton*
8.30pm Fitness Yoga Houghton Regis LC
9.30 Yoga David Lloyd Luton*
11am Pilates HRLC
7pm Yoga Banatynes*
11:15 Banatynes*
*you have to be a member to attend these classes, otherwise book in
advance to get a place, especially in HRLC the spaces are limited and
usually fully booked
Thursday, 5 December 2013
Archer Pose II (Var.)
Dhanu= Bow

2. Take your left arm and grab onto the outside edge of your right foot. Straighten your right arm and place it on the ground palm facing down a few inches forward of your hip.
3. Exhale and begin to straighten the right leg completely. Keep both legs engaged and use the pressure against your right shoulder to help you lift and keep your chest rotated open. Once your leg is straight, drop it down a couple of inches so that it is approximately at a 45 degree angle with the ground.
4. When you feel stable in the pose, drop your left arm beside you and rest it on the ground.
5. Keep your gaze forwards. Maintain the pose for up to 30 seconds . Exhale, come down slowly and practice the other leg.
- Stretches the hamstrings, groin and hip flexors
- Stretches open the chest and shoulders
- Strengthens the arm and legs
- Shoulder Injury
- Ankle injury
- Asthma
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
Upward Half Lotus Forward Bend
Upward Half Lotus Forward Bend / Urdhva Ardha Padma Paschimottanasana
ardha= half
padma= lotus
paschima= back of body, west side
2. Sitting up tall with your legs extended, place your right foot into half lotus as in step 1. Bend your left leg and grab on to the foot with both hands. Variation: Alternately take your half lotus to your knee in this pose.
3. Begin to straighten your left leg completely up to the sky. As you lift, engage your core and keep your belly pulled in. Keep your chest expanded and shoulders down. Pull your self in as close as you can so that your nose touches your shin.
4.Take your left hand and grab on to the wrist of your right arm across the bottom of your foot. Variation: You may make the ‘Om’ symbol with your right hand, or to decrease intensity, keep holding your foot at the outside edges. Gaze at the big toes in the sky. Maintain the pose for at least 10 seconds and gradually increase the length of the pose as you develop greater core strength.
- Strengthens and tones the core, abdominals and spine
- Helps to improve digestion
- Improves balance
- Increases stamina
- Stretches hamstrings, shoulders and wrists
- Low blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Asthma
(OORD-vah ARE-dah PAD-ma Posh-ee-moh-tan-AHS-anna)
urdhva= upward
ardha= half
padma= lotus
paschima= back of body, west side
1. Sit down with your legs extended out in front of you. Lift your tail bone up and expand open your chest. Pull your belly button back towards your spine. Place your hands palms facing down at either side of your hips. Take your right foot and place it high up in your left hip crease as in half lotus. Forward fold bending from the hips and grab on to the foot with both hands. Try grabbing on to the left wrist. Only when you are comfortable in this pose, continue to step 2.
2. Sitting up tall with your legs extended, place your right foot into half lotus as in step 1. Bend your left leg and grab on to the foot with both hands. Variation: Alternately take your half lotus to your knee in this pose.
3. Begin to straighten your left leg completely up to the sky. As you lift, engage your core and keep your belly pulled in. Keep your chest expanded and shoulders down. Pull your self in as close as you can so that your nose touches your shin.
4.Take your left hand and grab on to the wrist of your right arm across the bottom of your foot. Variation: You may make the ‘Om’ symbol with your right hand, or to decrease intensity, keep holding your foot at the outside edges. Gaze at the big toes in the sky. Maintain the pose for at least 10 seconds and gradually increase the length of the pose as you develop greater core strength.
- Strengthens and tones the core, abdominals and spine
- Helps to improve digestion
- Improves balance
- Increases stamina
- Stretches hamstrings, shoulders and wrists
- Low blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Asthma
- See more at:
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
My Favourite :)
Monday, 2 December 2013
news - news - news - news
*next week's I'm doing a Party Make Up course
*week after that I'm doing my Indoor Cycling course (with Rep's points, too )
*in a few weeks I will finish my T'ai Chi Chuan course
*couple of weeks after that I will finish my Pilates course
*I will teach at least one class a week in DLL from January
*maybe I will have one more evening class of Power Yoga in DLC - I asked today
*there is a posibolity I will have a permanent class in HRLC
Have a nice evening, see some of you in the evening
Sunday, 1 December 2013
A Year of Teaching...
It's been already a year since I began to teach yoga - and I love it!
I also broke my ribs a year ago - I will be more careful today...
And in this year I met so many new people! (I have to admit that I'm not a very sociable person - or at least - I wasn't. But I got used to meeting and getting to know people...) And I'm so happy for everyone I know, all of you tought me something new, even if you don't realise that
Have a very nice Sunday!
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Yoga Poses for Cramps!
According to studies, relieving menstrual pain is all about loosening the pelvis, which means a) resting during the first few days of menstruation and b) minimizing stress, both of which can be helped a long way by regular yoga practice. It is recommended to back off of a full yoga practice during your period to give yourself a rest and incorporating the following combination of relaxing, pelvis opening moves four to five times per week before or during your period:
If you have problems with digestion during menstruation, this pose can help; it also improves blood circulation and helps energize the legs, which tend to feel heavy during your period.
You've probably done this pose in every yoga class you've ever taken, but this restorative pose is great for lengthening the lower spine and releasing tension.
Sun Salutation with a Warrior I.
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Inhale - Raise your arms up |
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Lift your chest, drop your shoulders |
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Exhale - Lean forward |
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Inhale - Straighten your back |
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Exhale - Step your right leg back |
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Inhale - Drop the heel down, raise the arms up, square your hips and shoulders, lift your chest and drop the shoulders |
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Exhale - Place the hands on the mat and step back with your left leg into Downward Facing Dog |
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Inhale - Slowly come forward into the Plank Pose |
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Exhale - Lower yourself down into Chaturanga Dandasana |
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Inhale - Arch your back - Upward Facing Dog |
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Exhale - Lift your tailbone up - Downward Facing Dog |
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Inhale - Lift your right leg up |
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Exhale - Step the right foot forward |
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Inhale - Raise the arms up |
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Exhale - Forward Fold |
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Inhale - arms up |
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Exhale - Mountain Pose |