10am Pilates Bannatyne´s Luton - Bodybalance
11.15am Yoga Bannatyne´s Luton - Tina
4pm Pilates Dunstable LC - cancelled
5pm Power Yoga Dunstable LC - cancelled
Monday 9th November
11.30am Fitness Yoga Hitchin LC - Lucy
12.30am Tai Chi Hitchin LC - ask at the reception
8pm Yoga Bannatyne's Luton - Brendan
Tuesday 10th November
11.15am Pilates Venue360 Luton - ask at the reception
12.15am LBT Venue360 Luton - ask at the reception
5pm Yoga Ultimate Atlethe Luton - cancelled
6.15pm Yoga Tru Gym Luton - Toke
7.30pm Pilates David Lloyd Luton - Andrea
Thursday 12th November
7pm Hatha Yoga David Lloyd Luton - Toke
8.15pm Yoga Pure Gym - Toke
Friday 13th November
9.30am Hatha Yoga David Lloyd Luton - Jane
5.30pm Pilates Tru Gym Luton - Toke
6.30pm Yoga Bannatyne's Luton - ask at the reception
7.50pm Fitness Yoga Houghton Regis LC - Aga
Saturday 14th November
9.30am Hatha Yoga Hitchin LC - Lucy
10.30am Tai Chi Hitchin LC - Lucy
5pm Yoga Bannatyne´s Luton - Brendan
Sunday 15th November
10am Pilates Bannatyne´s Luton - ask at the reception
11.15am Yoga Bannatyne´s Luton - ask at the reception
4pm Pilates Dunstable LC - cancelled
5pm Power Yoga Dunstable LC - cancelled
Monday 16th November
11.30am Fitness Yoga Hitchin LC - Lucy
12.30am Tai Chi Hitchin LC - ask at the reception
8pm Yoga Bannatyne's Luton - Brendan
Tuesday 17th November
11.15am Pilates Venue360 Luton - ask at the reception
12.15am LBT Venue360 Luton - ask at the reception
5pm Yoga Ultimate Atlethe Luton - cancelled
6.15pm Yoga Tru Gym Luton - Toke
7.30pm Pilates David Lloyd Luton - Andrea